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We have a chatbot!

Even more news, drawings and, of course, gifts.


About the chatbot

The GEPUR brand chatbot is a convenient channel for quick communication with managers, where you can ask absolutely any question. But that's not all. From now on, every week we will draw any item from the site*

How to take part in the draw?

Every Wednesday, we will randomly choose the winner of the week, among all those who subscribed to the chatbot and confirmed their consent to participate in the drawing, the winner of which will be able to choose any one designer item from the site for up to 1000 UAH / 33 USD.

If you subscribe to the chatbot and agree to participate, you automatically get a chance to win the main prize of the week.

We will congratulate the winner in the chatbot and he will have exactly a week - until the next draw, in order to write to us and pick up his well-deserved gift.

Also in the chat bot we will share the latest news and talk about promotions (participation in the drawings is available only from a phone and tablet).

Join here!

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