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Loyalty program for wholesale customers!

We are finally launching the long-awaited format of personal work with wholesale clients.


What does it mean? Now each wholesale client will be able to independently regulate the terms of loyalty, depending on their own activity. And the best news is that the loyalty program starts on August 1, 2020.

1. Terms of participation in the loyalty program

1.1 The loyalty program and personal discount are designed exclusively for wholesale customers registered on the website.

1.2 By registering as a wholesale customer, you automatically agree to the terms of the loyalty program.

1.3 A personal discount can be obtained by making systematic purchases from Gepur and subject to all the conditions indicated below.

1.4 When fixing a personal discount, it is necessary to take into account that:

1.5 A permanent discount is not cumulative and does not apply to goods or orders with a discount, promo code and bonuses.

1.6 The personal discount may increase or decrease depending on the change in the amount of turnover and the return percentage.

1.7 It is forbidden to transfer a personal discount from one account to another.

1.8 On changes in the percentage of personal discount, the client receives a notification by e-mail or SMS.

1.9 The Organizer has the right to terminate the client's participation in the loyalty program if:

  • the participant provides false information about himself;
  • the participant acts in circumvention of these rules, and this may cause damage to the organizer or the product;
  • at the initiative of Gepur without explanation, unilaterally with the annulment of the personal discount. The Company will notify the Member of such decision by email.

2. The procedure for calculating and calculating a personal discount

2.1. The personal discount is calculated based on the participant's purchase history and is cumulative, and also depends on the total amount of purchased goods for the current calendar month. The percentage of goods returned within a calendar month also affects the amount of the discount. "Purchase" means the purchase of goods on the site: goods that were sent to the participant and paid for by him.

2.2 Registration by itself does not provide a personal discount, so initially its value will be 0%.

2.3. The personal discount depends on the turnover and return rates and is accrued for the next calendar month. The amount of the discount will be displayed in your personal account until the fifth day of the reporting period. For example, a discount assigned based on the results of work in May will be displayed from June 01-05

2.4. The ranking of the size of discounts in terms of turnover and return is presented in the tables below, where

"turnover" - the total value of the purchased goods from Gepur, starting from the moment of registration.

"Percentage of return" - the ratio of the amount of goods that was returned to the amount of purchased goods, which is calculated by the formula

2.5 The calculation is made within the current calendar month. With obligatory consideration of the % return for the current month, which affects the final discount, according to the table.

2.6 Reasons for returning goods, in which the quantity of goods is included in the calculation of a personal discount, may be as follows:

  • "did not fit in appearance";
  • "not a village";
  • "Wrong size."

2.7 If the product is returned marked “not on order”, “defective/contaminated”, this product is not included in the calculation of the personal discount (i.e., it is not taken into account either when calculating the turnover or in calculating the % return), provided that the client contacts customer service) and with the consent of Gepur.

2.8 The refund percentage is recalculated if new product returns or new payment for the product are received.

2.9 If, for any reason, the wholesale customer does not agree with the amount of the personal discount, you can contact the Gepur Customer Support Service. We accept questions, complaints and suggestions by e-mail and via chats on the website.

2.10 All information about the personal discount, turnover and return percentage in the current month is displayed in the personal account on the site.

Thank you for being with us. Now our cooperation will become even more interesting and productive. It is within the framework of the loyalty program that we will delight you with unique conditions.


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